Product description
The Laser Stripping Machine With Dual Beam is a revolutionary product designed for efficient rust and oil removal from steel bars. Featuring a portable design, a 2000W laser and a dual beam that makes it twice as fast and effective,.
This laser stripping machine is a versatile tool that can handle steel bars of various sizes and lengths. It delivers exceptional results, even when used on heavily corroded and oily surfaces. It is also easy to operate and maintain, making it a must-have tool for any industrial setting.
With this machine, you can efficiently remove rust and oil from steel bars and enhance their quality and lifespan.
The laser stripping machine with dual beams is much more efficient at rust and oil removal than the traditional techniques, which are not only time-consuming and ineffective but also damaging to the environment. This machine offers an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution to your rust and oil removal needs.