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JT 40T

           JT 40T


  •  for use with SYS 40
  • designed for industrial applications
  • angular motion in two axes
  • modular assembly
  • long-term stability
  • vibration insensitive
  • deformation-resistant aluminium
  • reflection-poor, black anodized




  • other versions
  • suitable optics


The adjustable inserts JT 40T enable optical elements to be set with high precision, secure against shock and vibration, and long-term stability. The moveable plate is supported on packets of disc springs and held against the base plate by three screws.


Using an intermediate substrate of optical glass to absorb thermal stresses ensures a low-stress bond to eliminate distortion of the surface of the optical element.


This permits the use of adjustable inserts for beamsplitter cubes and plates, as well as front-plane mirrors or even high-precision assemblies such as Mach-Zehnder or Michelson interferometers.