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National SFO Excersise 2022
National SFO Excersise 2022  

​The national fire brigade exercise aimed at getting to know new technologies at the Operational Training School in Montelibretti (RM).

Emilia Romagna Regional Directorate
CFBT Simulator Functional Test

We attended a functional test at the Emilia Romagna Regional Directorate inside the CFBT simulator with a positive outcome.

iFalcon presentation for Firefighters in the Philippines
iFalcon presentation for Firefighters in the Philippines

Energy Laser visited the firefighters' headquarters in Manila in the Philippines to present the iFalcon system to the local firefighters.

iFalcon test and presentation for Firefighters in Barcelona
iFalcon test and presentation for Firefighters in Barcelona

Energy Laser visited the firefighters' headquarters in Barcelona in Spain to do a demonstration and a test of the iFalcon system.

iFalcon presentation for Firefighters in Zaragoza
iFalcon presentation for Firefighters in Zaragoza

Energy Laser visited the firefighters of Zaragoza, Spain to do a test and ademonstration of the iFalcon system.

iFalcon presentation for Firefighters and distributors in Athens
iFalcon presentation for Firefighters and distributors in Athens

Energy Laser visited the firefighters and distributors in Athens, Greece to do a demonstration of the iFalcon system.

iFalcon tests and presentation for firefighters in Romania
iFalcon tests and presentation for firefighters in Romania  

Energy Laser visited the firefighters in two different Romanian cities in order to present the iFalconHM system and carry out two tests.

iFalcon test and presentation for firefighters in Turkey
iFalcon test and presentation for firefighters in Turkey  

Energy Laser visited three Turkish cities - Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir. The turkish firefighters tested the system and learned about its advantages and all the functions.

Vigili del fuoco prato
iFalcon presentation for firefighters in Prato  

Energy Laser visited Prato in Tuscany, Italy, to do a live demonstration of the iFalconHM system.

iFalcon presentation for firefighters in Brescia
iFalcon presentation for firefighters in Brescia 

Energy Laser visited Brescia in Lombardy, Italy, to do a live demonstration of the iFalconHM system.

iFalcon test and presentation for firefighters at the Fire University   

Energy Laser visited Warsaw in Poland to do a live demonstration and a test of the iFalconHM system.

iFalcon test with firefighters in Valle d'Aosta

Energy Laser visited Valle d'Aosta to test the iFalconHM system with local firefighters.